Lean Diet And Training : The Function Of Carbohydrates In Our Life - Carbohydrates are called carbohydrates because the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen they incorporate are typically in the proportion to form water with the general formula Cn(H2O)nlants use sunlight (photosynthesis) to convert water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygenarbohydrates are classified into mono, di, tri, poly and heterosaccharideshe smallest carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose whereas polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose and glycogen can be huge and even indeterminate in lengtharbohydrate: Mainly sugars and starches, together constituting one of the three principal types of nutrients used as energy sources (calories) by the bodyarbohydrates can also be defined chemically as neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygenarbohydrates come in simple forms such as sugars and in complex forms such as starches and fiberhe body breaks down most sugars and starches into glucose, a standard sugar that the body can use to feed its cellsomplex ... [Read More - Lean Diet And Training]
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